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Patriarchy the biggest hurdle to women's empowerment
“…. It will take another 50 years to achieve gender equality in the political sphere at the current rate of change. Patiently waiting for...

Women's emancipation meaningless without addressing cultural issues
Many cultural practices impinge human rights in Africa and Zimbabwe in particular. Violation of women rights is on the increase...

Coordinators Note. Zimbabwe 2 years after the Coup…What is to be Done?
November marks the 2nd anniversary of the fall of Zimbabwe’s dictator Robert Mugabe who was deposed from power by his military ending his...

Zimbabwe Under Emmerson Mnangagwa
Two years ago Zimbabwe’s National Army carried out a putsch that removed President Robert Gabriel Mugabe. Once the coup was carried out...

#Coup17: National dialogue and fading dream of economic transformation in Zim
ZIMBABWE’S two main political parties have gone through both succession and transition since the coup in November 2017. The disputed...

Military Intervention Is no Panacea in Zimbabwe
The new cannot be born if the old is refusing to die. In November 2017 Zimbabwe went through what was supposed to be the birth of a...

Africa and the world at large have been inundated with governments of coup d’état of varying degree and magnitude since the 18th century....

Coordinator’s Note: Anti-Sanctions simply won't work
Today the 25th of October 2019 is a significant day in the history of our country, Zimbabwe and the rest of the SADC region in a ‘wide’...

‘Sanctions’ ruse: the ‘New Dispensation’ is not interested in engagement
In 2011, the late Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe riled against sanctions, launching a campaign to collect the signatures of millions of...

Stop blaming sanctions, implement reforms
The debate on sanctions imposed by the United States is once again hogging the limelight and polarising the nation. Sanctions under the...
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