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It’s not sanctions, it’s corruption, lack of reforms
Blessed with abundant mineral resources, rich farmlands, ideal weather, stunning national parks, and a well-educated, industrious people,...

SADC's fallacy on Zimbabwe sanctions
Following a decision made in August by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) secretariat, the body's 16 member states are...

The West isn’t responsible for Zimbabwe’s continuing economic collapse
The countries of southern Africa have declared Oct. 25 to be “Zimbabwe Solidarity Day” in protest of Western sanctions. Unfortunately for...

Coordinator’s Note: Xenophobia… is South Africa a crime scene?
The recent wave of violent attacks targeting foreign nationals living in South Africa has shattered the country’s reputation for...

CiZC position on the Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa
The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC) notes, with regret, escalating cases of violent attacks targeted at foreign nationals living in...

Xenophobia: The Morning After the Zimbabwe Crisis.
The crumbling of Zimbabwe’s economy with no seeming end in sight has seen a mass exodus of its citizens into neighbouring African...

Xenophobia/Afro-phobia: An Africa Problem that Needs African Remedies
The recent xenophobic/afro-phobic attacks in South Africa point not only to the long-standing problems in the so called ‘rainbow nation’,...

Xenophobia in South Africa: When Shall we Call a Spade a Spade?
Doubts and confusion, as well as questions persist around the recent attacks by black South Africans on their black African counterparts...

Xenophobia in SA, Social Media’s Immediacy in Modifying our African Behaviour
This recent week, if I owned Facebook, Google or WhatsApp and sitting far, far away from South Africa, Southern Africa and Africa itself...

South Africa: a new narrative could tackle anti-migrant crisis
African migrants have once again been targeted for looting, violence and displacement in South Africa. Not only are the events...
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