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Unpacking Zimbabwe's National Hero status
Introduction The attainment of Zimbabwe’s independence on 18 April 1980 was a momentous occasion which gave birth to a new state which...

Coordinator’s Note: No to Constitutional Amendment Bill Number 2
We bring to you here Vol 6, Issue 4 of our flagship publication, the Zimbabwe Briefing, from the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition’s...

Zimbabwe's Mnangagwa decimates constitution and consolidates power
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa on May 21, 2020 announced that the Covid-19 lockdown is now indefinite, in many ways maintaining a ban on...

Fortifying Zimbabwe’s ‘Imperial’ Presidency? The Proposed Second Amendment to the Constitution
The ruling ZANU-PF party seeks to cancel, through amendments, key concessions made during the negotiated 2013 constitutional reform...

A Critical review of Zimbabwe's Constitutional Amendment No. 2
Introduction The announcement by the government of plans to amend the Constitution towards the end of 2019 was disappointing but not...

Constitutional Amendment NO.2...the death of Constitutionalism in Zimbabwe?
This week, the Parliament of Zimbabwe released a schedule on the holding of public hearings for the proposed amendments to the...

Coordinator's Note: The Pan African Agenda at a time of COVID-19
We bring to you here Vol 6, Issue 3 of our flagship publication, the Zimbabwe Briefing, from the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition’s...

Pan Africanism and the question of ideology
This year celebrations to mark Africa Day and Africa Week have been dampened by the dark cloud of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic. This...

Africa Day reminds us to unite across boundaries
The rapid spread of Covid-19 has heightened our consciousness to the value of life and of its fragility. For most people, the current...

Africa: From the Cradle of Humankind to the "Deathbed of Humankind"
Historically Africa is known as the cradle of humankind, a continent that bore the first existence of man. The continent holds varied...
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