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Zimbabwe CSOs and Regional Solidarity Partners Declaration

WE, the Civil Society Organisations gathered at Zimbabwe Gardens, Harare, from 14-15 December 2016, for a CSOs National Conference to chart a way forward regarding the current social, economic and political crisis, herein state the following:

Cognisant of the deepening crisis in Zimbabwe which threatens stability locally and regionally

Concerned about the shocking levels of poverty and hunger in our country caused by both natural and man-made causes

Fully aware of the Government of Zimbabwe’s unwillingness to reform and its lack of respect for the rule of law

Coming together in our diversity and motivated by our commitment to play a role in resolving this deepening crisis

Realising and thanking our regional counterparts for the role they continue to play in offering people to people solidarity to the people of Zimbabwe

We note the following:

On the Economy and Natural Resources Governance:

  1. That our economy is in a continuous deflationary state with the government clueless on how to revive the comatose economy

  2. That there is glaring liquidity crunch compounded by a non-productive economy

  3. That there is rampant unemployment that has changed the architecture of the economy and the social base

On Social Governance:

  1. That service delivery system is in a deplorable state and not showing any signs of recovery

  2. That the state continues to infringe on fundamental rights such as health, education shelter, water as outlined in the constitution

On the Rights of Citizens:

  1. That the state continues to use a heavy-handed approach on citizens seeking to express themselves freely as enshrined in our constitution

  2. That there is rampant anti developmental corruption within the state, public and private sector institutions

  3. That there is excessive marginalisation based on ethnicity and vulnerability which threatens the principle of inclusivity

On the Political Governance and the Transition:

  1. That the current government does not respect principles of electoral integrity and credibility and is not willing to reform to deliver a free and fair election in 2018 and beyond

  2. That there is no will by the government to implement the constitution adopted in 2013 in its letter and spirit

  3. That the government of Zimbabwe has derailed from the founding values and principles of the liberation struggle by increasingly alienating liberation veterans from social, economic and political activities

We therefore resolve the following;

  1. That civil society will push for both institutional reform and respect for electoral democracy,

  2. That civil society led by the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition will push for a well-coordinated and inclusive approach towards addressing the national question,

  3. That we will launch the Save Zimbabwe Campaign or another branded campaign of that nature to serve as a platform to mobilise different stakeholders to collectively act on the escalating national crisis,

  4. That civil society and the protest movements will work together towards a common goal,

  5. That civil society working together with other like-minded movements such as war veterans, the labour movement, faith-based organizations and the women’s movement, among others, will convene in the first quarter of 2017, a national convention to find a global solution to the current impasse,

  6. That civil society will push SADC to bring Zimbabwe back to the radar and resolve the Zimbabwe problem,

  7. That civil society will review the 2008 People’s Charter, as adopted at the People’s Convention in Harare on the 9th of February 2008, and the CSOs roadmap to a democratic Zimbabwe commonly referred to as the “Yellow Paper” to chart a road map to a democratic transition and respect for the rule of law,

  8. That civil society, working alongside local and regional solidarity partners embraces a pro-active stance to guard against another manipulated vote in 2018,

  9. That Civil society will create a sustainability and human rights defenders fund,

  10. That civil society is committed to contributing to resolving the current crisis based on the spirit of oneness, conviction, passion and nationalism,

  11. That civil society actively engages the Church to build the Zimbabwe We Want.


Bulawayo Youth Arise (BUYA); Masvingo United Residents and Ratepayers Association (MURRA); Centre for Youth Development Trust (CYDT); Bulawayo Vendors Traders Association (BVTA); National Vendors Union of Zimbabwe (NAVUZ); United Mutare Residents and Ratepayers Trust (UMRRT); Restoration of Human Rights (ROHR); ASAP; PRRT; FASO; Radio Dialogue; Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD); Mission to Live Trust; News of the South; ZIMCET; NCDPZ; CMRRT; Shaloam Trust; Abameli Human Rights Lawyers Network; Women in Politics Support Unit (WIPSU); Gwanda Residents Association; Mutasa Youth Forum Trust; Womens Coalition of Zimbabwe; Disability Amalgamated Community Trust; Youth Dialogue Action Network; Getrude; Plumtree Development Trust; Masvingo Research Institute; Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU); Transparency International Zimbabwe (TIZ); WRDI; YEMAP; Zimbabwe Christian Alliance; Non-Violent Action for Social Change; Youth Alliance for Democracy (YAD); ZCIEA; YON; Victory Siyanqoba; Unemployed Youth Organisation (UYO); DACT


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